about photoMy name is Leanda and, initially, I started this blog as a way of presenting pieces I have worked on for a final Uni assignment: a writing portfolio. My intention now is to continue maintaining it in the future as a blog. So far, I’ve written several poems, a short story-originally for children-but it became evident that the concept was too hard for them to grasp, so I hope to adapt it and add suitable artwork. I’ve written two chapters of a Cli-Fi story and will put more time into completing further chapters during summer-break: Uni can take over your life at times, well it most certainly does mine. If I do anything non-Uni related I’m always thinking in the back of my mind, ‘I should be studying’ and as end of semester nears I do little else other than do, and think, about Uni tasks.

By the end of this semester I will have completed seven Creative Writing units, some of which have been Creative Indigenous Writing. I feel I’ve gained valuable insight in regards to Aboriginal culture. It has expanded my understanding of their spirituality and what has become known to Westerners as The Dreaming.  I’ve always had a respect for other living things and my surroundings but Aboriginal culture has shown me an aspect of interconnectedness I hadn’t fully grasped: it has taught me how to have respect for everything, animate and inanimate.

After working out the idiosyncrasies of using the blog, I managed to post one poem called The Boarder and I would appreciate any feedback on it so that I can adjust it accordingly. What do you think happened to Danica? She was on the front page of every newspaper and magazine in the country about fifteen years ago and everyone’s interpretation has been anything other than what it was.

I’ll post other poems once I’ve added some other pieces relating to the assignment task, such as a feature article and a review. I’ve written a reflection in relation to writing the poems and will post that when I can work out how to copy and paste it without it changing the format:  I’ve learnt that text doesn’t behave in the same way here as it does in a word doc., so it’s taking longer than I had anticipated.